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Ergonomic Chair ELEGANCE

Collection: Kulik System

Stock status: Stock Product
Colors: Red/Pink
Materials: Eco Leather
Item Description
The ELEGANCE chair is a precious gem of the Universal line. As if sharpened by the waves of the sea, the flowing lines of the model are brought to perfection and create a sophisticated silhouette. Plunge into the endless ocean of comfort and indulge in serenity in the ELEGANCE ergonomic chair.

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Available Items   Qty in Stock Qty to Order Dimensions

Elegance Chair Red Stitching

*Eco-Leather / Color#0205
(MSRP) $1,172

Elegance Chair Red Stitching

*Eco-Leather / Color#0205
(MSRP) $1,172
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:
Inventory is updated on 01/20/2025
The inventory quantities are subject to change, please call for more updated information
Total price: $1,172